At The Rustic School House we have a large covered entry that is fairly spacious. Sometimes spacious can translate into cold and barren. Case and point?
Yes, this has been what our front entry has looked like since spring - of last year. We have been busy the past two years working on the exterior of The Rustic School House - re shingling, new trims, staining, etc. Although the exterior is not quite finished, it's almost there and since we spent all spring and summer without a planter or even an exterior mat - I needed some outdoor decor!
The wreath was made from pine cones, the mums and planters were from the home depot. If you look closely you may notice that there is something different about those planters...yep, I took plain green cheapo planters and attached moss that we collected from the woods to them. It was super easy, fun and inexpensive - a great DIY!
Have a great day!

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