We mowed our lawn, weeded the garden beds, and I stained the wooden perimeters of the garden beds. I do this every year to help protect them from the elements but I am afraid we will have to start replacing the wood if not this year, certainly next. I'll blog more about that process later this week.
We went for a drive Saturday afternoon to Five Islands, NS and along the way stopped at a few antique shops and even an auction. It was Abigail's first auction and she was right at home. She found some Doctor Seuss books in a bin, grabbed "Green Eggs and Ham" and found the biggest oak tree on the property to read under its shade. It was really sweet.
On Sunday we decided to visit Clam Harbour beach for the afternoon and although it was windy and chilly compared to home, we still had a great time. We had never been before, so it was a nice new experience for the family to enjoy together. Abigail played in the sand, and we helped her collect "treasures" as she calls them, from the ocean.
It felt so nice to reconnect with the family since it is so easy to get caught up in the cycle of running one day to the next with our endless lists of to do's. Since I have been putting more focus on my interiors business, more early mornings and late nights! It is important to make the time to just be and reconnect.
Well that wraps up our weekend, how did you enjoy your weekend? Any fun plans for this week? I started my Spring cleaning, and that is going to take me all. week. long. - jealous aren't you?

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