After much discussion we decided not to build any more gardens this year. We will see what next year brings but we have lots to keep us busy now and for the summer. We were going to do a raised bed for veggies but since we enjoy going as a family to the farmers markets in the summer we decided not to build one this year. I am going to plant a few tomato plants in containers and herbs on the deck. I really enjoy making my own salsa, spaghetti sauce and tomato soup.
We will start this tour on the west side of the house. These plants see mostly shade.
Although difficult to see, there are two hostas in this bed and three bunches of yellow day lilies. I am always impressed by the size of the hostas as they grow larger every year.
The north side or rear of the house. Again, mostly shade.
These are spirea. One blooms with little pink flowers, the other with yellow flowers. These spread quite large and require pruning to keep them under control. We have another variety of spirea as a hedge along the rear property line. We assume it was planted when the building was a school.
This is a burning bush ( and Abigail's Hunter rubber boot). We currently have two of these and would like to plant more although the deer and rabbits seem to really enjoy the fresh buds of these plants.
The Eastern side where it is a full sun zone.
This glorious vine is a Virginia creeper and we would like to build a large arbour for it to climb on. We found her two summers ago while cleaning out the hedge at the rear of the property. We also planted shrubs at the base and in the fall it is quite a sight to see the leaves of the Virgina creeper turn bright red and the shrubs golden leaves.
This is one of many garden fences Mr.RSH and I build these past few years. As you can see, they do have to be stained again. I do that once a year but since it has been raining almost everyday, I have yet to get started on it. I will blog about that process when things get rolling.
Every year in the fall, since Abigail was born we plant a tree for her. Its been one of those traditions that we all look forward to doing. Now that Abigail is older and knows what is going on, she really likes nurturing her trees and going to the nursery to pick out a new one to plant. We have planted a weeping mulberry, a weeping pea shrub, a Japanese maple and another shrub whose name escapes me. It has really pretty yellow leaves in the spring that fall off to make room for green ones that stay until late fall.
A smorgasbord of plants. These guys see full sun and include a clematis .
These are Columbines. They like to spread so they are an excellent ground cover. We have them in a couple of our garden beds.
These will eventually grow into beautiful pink day lilies.
Clematis. This baby is a real show stopper when it blooms. We planted another on the other side of the bed in hopes that the two will mingle and provide a bit of a living privacy fence for us on the deck in the summer.
The front of the house or south side which is full sun.
This shrub is called a wine and roses wigela. It has the most beautiful pink blooms that the hummingbirds love.
A variety of hosta that is able to be planted in either sun or shade. We planted these bad boys in the front of our house alternating between barberry bushes.
This is one side of the front of our house. The two larger shrubs are called barberry's and the small plant in the center is a hosta. On the other side of the front of the house we alternated barberry shrubs and hosta. As the plants grow our hope is it will look balanced. Since we put the other bed in just last year all the other plants are small in comparison.
How are your plants coming along? Are you adding any new plants or gardens to the mix this year?

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