We went to the lake on Saturday and spent the night. We saw an eagle again this weekend although I have been unable to get a good picture of him because I am always fumbling for the camera as he is flying away! We also have a loon on the lake which we heard on Sunday morning while enjoying our first cup of coffee of the day.
I also heard the haunting bark of a coyote, watched a little brown bat catching its supper along the lake, and a porcupine waddle across a trail as we were out on our quads enjoying the beautiful weather.
We were again clearing land this weekend, I will be so happy when that task is finished. It is very labour intensive to clear land by hand. Normally we will cut a tree, chunk it up and burn the brush. Because it has been so dry the past week we didn't dare start a fire so we simply put the brush in a pile to burn another time.
We may have another weekend at the lake before the bugs are out of control. We really noticed that they were around but not biting yet. The plan is to finish up the clearing of the land this coming weekend and then start building over the summer if possible depending upon the black flies and mosquitoes.

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