The first room she wanted to tackle was her personal home office. The client wanted a room that she could work in, that had girly/ feminine feel, was organized and most importantly finished!
We had a tight budget but I really enjoyed the challenge of finding fabulous things on a dime, reusing items that my client already had in her home and because she was so hands on the client worked on DIY projects that really added to the space.
Here are the before pics of the room:
and the after pics:
The book case built-in and valance was custom made and installed by Mr.RSH. Wrapping the valance in fabric, the bulletin board and adding ribbon detail to the side table lamp were DIY projects completed by the client and her friend. Pillows for the wing back chair were sent away to be made however they were not completed when these pics were taken.
The side table was an item the client had bought at a yard sale and had intended to use in another room but it worked in this space so we used it! I has lots of surface room for her lamp, books and a glass of water if she so desires. The lamp was originally in another room in her house but it was perfect for her office so we used it there instead.
The desk is actually a vanity that the client really liked and although it doesn't have a lot of storage for big items, she has a closet in the room in which we added a shelf, several co-ordinating baskets and a filing cabinet for storing her bulkier things such as files and paper.
This office makeover shows that you can have a space that you want without spending a ton of cash. This room was finished a head of schedule and on budget. Where we spent a bit of dough on custom touches such as the bookcase, we saved by shopping the house and buying accessories and furniture at discount stores. You simply have to be willing to trade off, get your hands a little dirty, and use your creativity.
If you like what you see and have a space that you would like my help with please contact me, I'd love to help!